working groups

We organise in working groups centred around particular themes.

  • Green New Deal

    Green New Deal

    We support a federal Green New Deal and are committed to the resolution’s call for a just transition. We focus on organizing for ecological justice as it relates to architectural labor, the built environment, and sustainable futures for all.

  • Academia


    The Academia Working Group annually gathers the Architecture Beyond Capitalism (ABC) School.

  • Unionization


    The TAL Unionization Working Group (UWG) is an advocacy, support, and study group whose mission is to promote labor organizing for workers in architecture and related fields. While not ourselves a union, our members have played leading roles in the movement to organize architecture and designer workers since TAL’s inception. As our movement grows, we […]


  • NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse

    NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse St Ann’s Warehouse, St. Ann’s Warehouse,45 Water Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 May 11th, 2024 7:30pm-10:00pm It’s rare for topics related to the built environment to be dramatized into theatrical performances, especially ones that the Lobby is already organizing around. Let’s go see it together! […]

    Saturday 5/11/24 07:00pm GMT

    St. Ann’s Warehouse

  • Who owns social housing?

    Often, we think of mass social housing as something needing large entities—government agencies, philanthropies, or unions—to take on the profit-driven real estate sector. The history of New York City’s housing activism suggests otherwise, that tenants themselves are capable of leading the struggle for affordable and livable cities.

    Monday 4/8/24 07:00pm—08:00am EST


  • A Just Transition for Architecture

    Architecture & Environmental Justice in a Post-Pandemic World

    Friday 11/11/22 12:00pm CST

