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  • Just the FAECTs: Organizing technical work from the 1930s to now

    Just the FAECTs: Organizing technical work from the 1930s to now

    Recent labor organizing in architecture and engineering is unprecedented in recent history. Looking further back, though, we find a rich history of architects and other technical workers organizing together better working working conditions and, more than that, a better world. 

    Monday 5/6/24 06:30pm—08:00pm GMT

    The People’s Forum

  • NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse

    NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse

    NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse St Ann’s Warehouse, St. Ann’s Warehouse,45 Water Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 May 11th, 2024 7:30pm-10:00pm It’s rare for topics related to the built environment to be dramatized into theatrical performances, especially ones that the Lobby is already organizing around. Let’s go see it together! […]

    Saturday 5/11/24 07:00pm GMT

    St. Ann’s Warehouse

  • Who owns social housing?

    Who owns social housing?

    Often, we think of mass social housing as something needing large entities—government agencies, philanthropies, or unions—to take on the profit-driven real estate sector. The history of New York City’s housing activism suggests otherwise, that tenants themselves are capable of leading the struggle for affordable and livable cities.

    Monday 4/8/24 07:00pm—08:00am EST


  • A Just Transition for Architecture

    A Just Transition for Architecture

    Architecture & Environmental Justice in a Post-Pandemic World

    Friday 11/11/22 12:00pm CST


  • The Architecture Lobby & The Green New Deal

    The Architecture Lobby & The Green New Deal

    On Climate Change and Design Ethics

    Wednesday 3/20/24 05:30pm—06:30pm EST

    CEIS Lobby, Wentworth

  • Organizing for Green Social Housing

    Organizing for Green Social Housing

    Guests: New York Communities for Change – Wally Mazon, Architectural Workers United – Andrew Daley

    Monday 3/11/24 12:00pm—Tuesday 2/27/24 12:00pm EST

    104b Forsyth St., New York, NY

  • ABC School Closing Plenary

    ABC School Closing Plenary

    This event is being held at two different times to accommodate participants across the globe.

  • Nurturing Equal Value for All

    Nurturing Equal Value for All

    This event will screen two videos from Sanjeev Sanjar – reflecting on and analysing two collaborative projects from india, which have explored collective potential within complementary contexts. ​“Jugaad” explored recycling and repurposing within an urban village of Delhi, and has inspired critical discourse on “resource” within the built environment. ​“Syrwet U Barim Mariang Jingkieng Jri […]

    Saturday 9/30/23 04:00am—Monday 9/11/23 06:00am EST


  • From the Ground Up: Building Solidarity in Somerville through Aspirational Design

    From the Ground Up: Building Solidarity in Somerville through Aspirational Design

    ALL ARCHITECTURE IS POLITICAL. ​ALL POLITICS ARE LOCAL. ​COMMUNITY POWER IS BUILT, NOT GIVEN. ​What does it mean to build community in a broken world? As architects working in the public sphere, we are cast into a predatory system that divides people. Networks of capital, privatization, inequity, gentrification, and displacement all convene to fracture human […]

    Friday 9/29/23 12:00pm—04:00pm EST

  • ABC Hub Workshopping Event

    ABC Hub Workshopping Event

    If you have something to contribute to the ABC Hub, or would like to understand more about how it works, this event is for you! ​We will allow the space and time to talk about the ABC Hub and to support interested contributors in uploading content or adding definitions. ​This event is part of our Just […]

    Thursday 9/28/23 06:00pm—08:00pm EST

    Online • zoom

  • ABC Hub Hive Mind

    ABC Hub Hive Mind

    Join us in a miro board to collate collectives, people, readings, definitions and ideas that could be a part of the ABC Hub. [Re]search collaboratively in a convivial environment the who/what/where/why/how of liberatory practice and alternative ‘sites’ for architecture. ​​This event is part of our Just show up! ABC event series, where the pressure is low, the […]

    Wednesday 9/27/23 05:00pm—07:00pm GMT

  • Demotic Ritual Practices: What Do You Reckon?

    Demotic Ritual Practices: What Do You Reckon?

    ​This is a participatory workshop that explores how everyday activities can be codified into our organizing practices. ​What do you reckon? This is a participatory workshop that asks us to imagine interacting with one another outside of hegemonic narratives. References to ritual in architecture may often be informed by spirituality, cultist and alternative lifestyles, expressions […]

    Wednesday 9/27/23 12:00am—02:00am EST


  • Organizing Architectural Labor for a Just Transition

    Organizing Architectural Labor for a Just Transition

    ​A discussion of the possibility for a Just Transition at the nexus of climate, labor, and the built environment. ​As design workers, the building sector’s reliance on the fossil fuel economy affects us every day as we design projects that require material extraction, significant capital investment, and the installation of new energy infrastructure. On top […]

    Tuesday 9/26/23 12:00pm—10:00pm EST
