New York City

New York, United States


  • New York CityGreen New Deal

    Just the FAECTs: Organizing technical work from the 1930s to now

    Recent labor organizing in architecture and engineering is unprecedented in recent history. Looking further back, though, we find a rich history of architects and other technical workers organizing together better working working conditions and, more than that, a better world. 

    Monday 5/6/24 06:30pm—08:00pm GMT

    The People’s Forum

  • New York CityGreen New Deal

    NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse

    NYC Chapter to attend local performance: ‘GRENFELL’ at St. Ann’s Warehouse St Ann’s Warehouse, St. Ann’s Warehouse,45 Water Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 May 11th, 2024 7:30pm-10:00pm It’s rare for topics related to the built environment to be dramatized into theatrical performances, especially ones that the Lobby is already organizing around. Let’s go see it together! […]

    Saturday 5/11/24 07:00pm GMT

    St. Ann’s Warehouse

  • New York CityGreen New Deal

    Who owns social housing?

    Often, we think of mass social housing as something needing large entities—government agencies, philanthropies, or unions—to take on the profit-driven real estate sector. The history of New York City’s housing activism suggests otherwise, that tenants themselves are capable of leading the struggle for affordable and livable cities.

    Monday 4/8/24 07:00pm—08:00am EST


  • New York CityGreen New Deal

    Organizing for Green Social Housing

    Guests: New York Communities for Change – Wally Mazon, Architectural Workers United – Andrew Daley

    Monday 3/11/24 12:00pm—Tuesday 2/27/24 12:00pm EST

    104b Forsyth St., New York, NY

  • New York CityGreen New Deal

    Climate March 2023

    Join us for a breakfast picnic at Balsley Park ahead of the Climate March. We’ll be there at 9:30 am, September 17th. See you there!

    Sunday 9/17/23 09:30am—01:00pm GMT

    Balsey Park (near Columbus Circle), New York City


  • ReadingNew York CityGreen New Deal

    Our best organizer!

    Jack Rusk, James Heard, Joshua Barnett, Adare Brown The Avery Review February 2024 Excerpt: “The largest attempt to unionize public- and private-sector architects in the United States was made in the early twentieth century by the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (FAECT, sometimes pronounced like “fact”). FAECT documented their organizing efforts through a […]

    Adare Brown